Faith is a Marvelous Gift with Benefits

We think we have to have understanding before we make a decision. No, we don’t, God is doing wonderful things. It’s marvelous when we begin to be faithful. I’ve had so many experiences in my life of how God releases power. There is a time when action has to take place to get things moving the way they need to move. There was a story about a man who gave his jacket in the offering where I was speaking. Take off your jacket and invest your time to read about the benefits of faith, gifts, and giving. Hold it close to your vest and be blessed.

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The Winning Team: Triumph Guaranteed

God will speak to you about the things that are important to you. God will surprise you. He causes you to win and triumph. God is a God of infinite resources and big plans. Read how what looks impossible was possible when you put your faith and trust in God.


Put an End to the Drought in Your Life

You have a marvelous God that lives inside of you. He'll teach you that you can talk to storms. See how I listened to God and went into a war zone instead of staying in a safe zone. I came out blessed and refreshed. The mission of God wins every time. Here is how to put an end to the drought in your life. Soak in His presence, a true gift. It’s right as rain.


Talk to the Storms: You’ve Got the Power

He makes broken lives beautiful. Whatever is broken and painful in your life, in sickness, in relationships, God can heal and make whole. Learn how to activate the power of God that is inside you. There is more to you than what you see. Speak to the storms in your life. Have the desire to learn more and let God do something spectacular through you. Be His vessel.

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A Flood of Restoration

God causes you to triumph despite the harsh times you’ve been through. I pray my stories, testimonials, and the pouring out of my soul to your soul causes you to look at your circumstances. Make a choice now that you will not find fault with God. See how God restored and reestablished us after giving up everything. He brings us through the hard times and causes us to triumph. Read this story of how an unidentified briefcase brought us a flood of blessings and revelation. Read how you can know the goodness of God and his love for you that is everlasting.


It’s Time to Rock the Boat

God is calling you to know that storms are going to come and go in the midst of your life. You may think it’s too much to handle. Christ is not who you think He is; He's who He says He is. Jesus is giving you an invitation to leave what you know for what you don't know. Here is how to step out of your boat and trust God. He's in a form we're not familiar with. He is standing in the midst of the storm and all He is saying to us is "Come." He will carry you through.


The Ugliest Tree Was Eyeballing Me

It was a hard time moving to a cabin in the woods and an ugly tree eyeballing me. Discover how God took that misery, when I didn’t think I could take any more of living in the wilderness, and how he opened a new door. I was literally swept up to heaven. Feel the embrace of the Father as you experience this story.


Restoration Recipe

In life, there are times when we feel defeated and lose hope. Trials and tribulations are part of our journey here. Know that you have been destined to be an overcomer. God is always with you. He will get in the pit with you and get you out of there. I know that there are those of you who are experiencing incredible challenges in your life. God will reveal and heal your heart. Learn the difference of knowing about God versus truly knowing him. Here are the key ingredients for learning to trust in God and know his voice. Come and taste this divine recipe.

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Prayer: Let Me Pray for You & Your Children

A prayer for you and your children. Read this poetic prayer to know that there is nothing impossible for our God to do. It’s the season to choose to obey now that sickness has been upon the land. Receive these words of enlightenment, encouragement, and revelation for you and all children. We have been created to let the voice of God be released in this day. The reason Jesus came was to set the world free and to turn things around. In this prayer, you will find the marvelous message and plan of God and that every war has already been won.

Read more about the article Oh Goodness:  A Baby Brought Back to Life
Oh Goodness: A Baby Brought Back to Life

Oh Goodness: A Baby Brought Back to Life

A mother brought her baby to America from Kenya. He was six weeks old with a heart defect. The mother had full faith that something wonderful would happen with her baby. She brought him to a church in New Jersey where she knew I would be that day. Witness the unwavering faith of this mother and the miracle that happened. Do you believe in the raising of the dead? Jesus was resurrected. He gave us the power and authority to do that too and more. The Messiah, the Son of the Living God is alive and wanting to do incredible things in your life.

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