Resurrection Life: Get Busy Living Not Merely Existing

Resurrection, Revelation, and Application. See how you can live a resurrection life. You are alive but are you living life to the fullest? Spring to life now. Live full and die empty. It’s not too late for a new beginning. God wants to do incredible things in your life. God’s Living Word does not only inform you but transforms you. Jesus’ death and resurrection gave us the gift of eternal life with Him but also of an abundant life here and now. God wants you to receive your healing. God wants you to prosper. Revelation and application of God’s Word will produce wonderful and marvelous things in you and for you.


Committed to Action

I love two things:  I love individuals who are committed to an action plan.  The second thing I love is the individual who recognizes that the plan isn’t working and…


A Delay is Not a Denial

It happens to all of us.  We either silently ask in our hearts and minds for something, or we voice a want into the atmosphere, and wait with great expectation…