Today, I want to talk to you about restoration and how God takes away the old to establish the new.
Pay close attention. Some things I’m going to say may sound ridiculous. I’m sure you already know God often doesn’t make sense, but He is real. He shows up. Thank you for showing up to hear this message.
Get ready to be encouraged and edified. Allow the power and authority from the Messiah create vision and hope in you.
Are you weighed down with depression and oppression? Let’s get rid of those negative spirits right now that are stealing your joy. Agree with me and say, “I decree and declare those negative spirits go now. In Jesus name. Amen.”
Know that you are an overcomer even if you don’t feel like it. In life, there are times when we feel defeated. Remember, God’s not done yet. He never leaves you nor forsakes you. No matter how hopeless it seems, God is always with you. He will get in the pit with you and get you out of there. He won’t leave you in that dark place. Ultimately, with God, you will overcome.
Of course, there will be hard times. That’s life. Trials and tribulations are part of our journey here. There’s a scripture in Revelation 12:11 that says we overcome. We overcome by the blood of the Lamb of God.
Overcome by what you speak. The word of your testimony brings powerful change. We have tests that may cause moaning, hence the word, test-i-monies. Don’t get stuck in the ”monies” (moanings).
Decide to operate in the Word of God, which causes us to prosper. It’s the perfect recipe when God mixes with man. Taste and see how wonderful God is to you and me.
You have been destined to be an overcomer. No matter what your circumstances and situations are in your life right now, whether it has to do with health, wealth, relationships, or wherever you are being tested, there is hope and restoration. We all go through tests and challenges. The key is to go through and not stay stuck or lose hope. Begin to say, “Teach me, Holy Spirit, how to walk”.
We were in our thirties, and my husband and I were excited and ignited about God. We just wanted to serve God. Then, God spoke to my heart. He said, “My sheep know my voice. You have never known me.” I was devastated. My response was, “I rebuke you devil! You’re the accuser of the brethren.”
It wasn’t the devil. It was God and he said in my spirit, “You know about me. You can heal the sick and raise the dead. You can cast out devils. You can preach, teach, pray, and prophesy. If you want to know me, sell everything you have, give to the poor and come and follow me.”
I went home and told my husband. I said, “Honey, I was out praying, and God spoke to me. He said that we needed to sell everything and give it to the poor and just trust him.” He said, “Clarice, don’t talk to God when I’m not there.” Then we prayed about it and we knew it was God. We left the sixteen-room house and moved into a three-room cabin in the woods.
God will allow you to experience some things. He will let you go into the depths of despair. While you’re there, you’ll build incredible muscles of faith. During this time of God training and teaching us, I surrendered and said, “Whatever you say, I say yes, Lord.”
I know that there are those of you who are experiencing incredible challenges in your life. When God gets you down to reveal who you really are and takes all of your crutches like your money, your friends, your influence, your health, and all that you’ve counted on; you learn to trust in God and know his voice.
You may wonder, “God, where are you in the midst of all of this?” He is preparing you. No trial or test has come to you that goes beyond the faith that God has given to you. God will stretch your faith to new dimensions.
I pray and release this over you: “Spirit of God, descend and come upon these people that need to be encouraged in their faith.”
Bless you. Continue to praise God. Remember God is good.
Awesome! Love to be challenged and told that we are called to overcome!