Dr. Clarice Fluitt - Testimonials
12 Videos
Success Stories
Words and thoughts from those who have worked with Dr. Clarice Fluitt
"She's purposeful, she's intentional, and yet, she's spontaneous at the same time. She's one of the most seasoned women I've ever met."

Dr. Linda Wallace
Founder, A Company of Women
"She's helped me to go from one step to the next at a time I was trying to figure out what I wanted to do. It was the words of Dr. Fluitt who helped me, to motivate me, to get me from one step to the next."

Marvin Winans Jr.
Gospel Singer & Actor
"She helped me identify the necessary steps that I needed to see growth and improvement, not only in my personal life, but also in my business"

Melody Barker
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Dear Dr. Fluitt,
I wanted to let you know that I have finally been awarded my bachelor’s degree in Aerospace Engineering and I could not have done it without you and your ministry. It has been almost seven years since I sent my first prayer request for you to stand with me in believing that I would earn this degree and now that time has finally come. After many trials and hardships I faced while completing my studies, your prayers and support made a difference and kept me going even though there were times I wanted to quit. Your words of encouragement motivated me to increase my faith, increase my time in the word, and develop my prayer life. I have experienced many miracles and breakthroughs because you and my family came together in agreement and stood our ground despite the obstacles that tried to stop me from earning my bachelor’s degree. Now that I’ve graduated, I’m currently applying for jobs in the Aerospace industry and my family and I are believing that I have one before this Fall. Once again, I cannot thank you enough for helping me get to this point of my life and I hope you, your family, and loved ones are having a wonderful Summer! Once again thank you!
Ariana Shoaf – Aerospace Engineer
After I sent a prayer request about how my husband and I owed the government in taxes. God made provisions and we were able to pay all our debts off and have money left over. I’m grateful for the prayers and for God’s love.
Hi CFM prayer team, I just like to thank you for all your prayers. About a year plus ago I requested prayers for a heavy family issue concerning lawsuit that resulted from an adultery, rape allegation, broken relationship, everything that went wrong and the confusion that came with it that really shook my faith. By God’s grace the storm has passed. Thank you for your prayers and by the mercies of our Lord. He gave me more reasons to give Him thanks and praise. God bless your ministry.
‘Come North Wind’ is especially anointed! How wonderful! Blessings to
all there.
Hi Momma Clarice,
I wanted to thank you so much, really, for touching me with the love of God and thrusting me forward into the plan of God. Thank you for being such a mighty vessel that God just is constantly pouring out His heart through you. Thank you for the great challenge, love, correction, counsel, and the warmth of your hug and love that I will never forget. It sure has changed things here in my family. I can’t thank you enough for blasting me right into my future. It was truly life-changing. I still face some hard days but the Lord is really quick in not letting me sulk and just get over my little self and move forward. He is even really changing the heart of my three kids during this process. So from the deepest part of my heart thank you, thank you, thank you.
I love you very much and really miss you!
I think about you so much and pray for you and George and your church.
Thank you, Heavenly Father, for this awesome team you created before the world began. Thank you so much for using them, their ministry in such an indescribable way. Amen.
Love you bunches and can’t wait to hear from you. Love in Christ.
I can’t believe I’m sitting here writing this; I just feel compelled to. You were in my dreams last night along with my spiritual mom Marilyn. I can’t even remember what was said. I have heard you preach a few times over the years here in FL and have always soaked up every word even if my brain can’t wrap around everything. I just felt compelled to look at your website again and I am weeping (which is odd for me) as I read from it. Something has shifted inside of me. I’m so sick of mediocre and feeling like I’m just in survival mode (homeschool mom of 6).
I have printed your 21 day attitude fast and plan to do it even with my late start. I guess I just want to thank you for stirring up the spirit of God within me over the years and for being a Titus 2 role model with the power of the Holy Spirit operating through you. You are one of the few people I know who really are Jesus with skin on.
The conference I attended in Apopka, Florida (outside Orlando) 8 years ago was the last Spiritual Food I rec’d prior to a move to Central Kentucky… Which is VERY dry Spiritual territory I have listened to the tapes I purchased repeatedly and have been fed each time. Just wanted you to know, Clarice Fluitt, that your ministry did (and continues to do so) Touch my life in a powerful way. Thank you for your obedience to the Most High God… I now own a consignment business, and play Dale Hunter’s CD there and In my home. I have not noticed on your schedule any locations that are in or near Kentucky. Have you ever ministered in this state, or would you consider doing so? Blessings on you and yours.
A friend at church brought me two of your cds. Our Father and Fear God. I have listened to them about five times each. You have blessed my soul deeply and I have done some reexamining of myself. Thank You so much.
Even though it’s been several years since I’ve last seen you, you are still ministering to me as strongly as before. I’ve transcribed almost all your teaching tapes that I’ve purchased, and also some my friend bought and allowed me to listen to and type up. One of the many reasons I’ve transcribed them is to hear single word the Lord has spoken and not to miss any of the wonderful teachings on your tapes and to learn God’s heart.
I’ve gone through five very tough years and haven’t been in church for a very long time. What’s sad is that no one seemed to miss me. I have no ill feelings nor has anyone offended me in any way. I guess that speaks volumes about the effectiveness of my Christian walk. I can’t explain what has happened to me but I feel as if I’ve been separated and put on a shelf for awhile. Needless to say, “I didn’t like it!”
Well, God hasn’t given up on me and I feel His ever-loving pull in my life drawing me off the shelf again. He is so outstandly remarkably awesome! Your anointed teachings (and knowing it’s the literally the Word of God) has seen me through some very dark nights of the soul. Your teachings have encouraged me and reminded me to know that God is doing an awesome work in my life and I am being prepared for something that would probably scare the daylights out of me if I knew what it was.
I wanted you to know that years later, your teachings are still as anointed and powerful as ever.