Jesus plus nothing equals everything!
There was an incredible healing of a man that had a stroke. After prayer, he took a prayer cloth.
Do you know what a prayer cloth is? It’s a cloth somebody prayed on. Can the spirit of the living God be in an inanimate object?
In the scriptures it talks about how handkerchiefs and aprons that had touched the apostle’s body went out and demons were cast out of people!
What’s a demon? A disembodied evil wicked thing that you have power over when you are living for the wonderful Messiah! God gives you power over all of these trespassers and you can walk in joy and peace and health!
We just have to know what’s available to us!
People get healed. A cloth was laid on this man and he was healed from a stroke. He got up singing and walking where they said he couldn’t! The doctors said he couldn’t do this, and he couldn’t do that.
There are always two doctors on your case. Doctor Jesus and Dr. Man. Pick one!
I choose to agree with God! I choose to agree that all power has been invested in the wonderful name of Jesus!
I pray for you that you will see that and that my words will have the power not just to inform you but to cause you to call upon the name of the Lord!
It’s so simple! It’s so easy! Just say, “If all that she is saying is true, show it to me!”
It’s just that simple! It’s just that easy! Don’t make things hard!
“And despise not the day of small beginnings.”
We get letters from all over the world. A mother wrote to me. She had seen me on one of Sid Roth’s programs where we were working together. She got my number and my information.
This is the letter:
“My son Paul is six and a half years old. A little guy! Within two years he has collapsed three times in the nursery and over and over again at home.
In these collapses, he loses consciousness and the cardiologist said that the collapses were caused by a deviant heart rhythm. His heart rate time was prolonged 56% in his heart. The doctor said the next collapse we could actually lose our son because he would have to be on medication for the rest of his life.
When I saw my son collapse, I decided I’ll have to give him the medicine.
This means that he has to take medicine until the very end of his life.
Thank God for doctors and nurses and hospitals! I think that probably most of us would be dead without that! But there is a different way. There is a more excellent way.
The deviant cord in his heart made terrible sounds when the blood would rush. Please pray for my son.
Yours in Christ from Budapest, Hungary.”
We did pray! We did send a prayer cloth! We did set out faith in agreement!
Two months later this is what she said,
“Dear Dr. Clarice, yesterday my son went and had a medical checkup in Budapest. The best and most well-known cardiologist in the land said that my son’s heart is totally healthy!
Oh Hallelujah! Totally healthy. It is no longer necessary for him to take that medicine. I asked the doctor to write that down and so that we would be convincing. We are so very happy!
All the way back home we were worshiping Jesus for this miracle!
Thank you again and again!
God is so good!”
Doesn’t that do something for you? Oh, my goodness! What God will do for one, he’ll do for somebody else!
This is the day that we’re going to have time to pray. This is the day I’ll have the opportunity to prophesy with you, to speak words to encourage you, to exhort you, to edify you, to build you up, to explain to you that
God is in love with you!
You’re never going to be more ready for healing and deliverance and all the good things God has!
“This is the day that the Lord has made! And we will rejoice and be glad in it!”
People ask me all the time, “Do you stay happy all the time?” I have a choice!
We are people making choices!
In my life like everybody else’s, we have opportunities to overcome! This is what I’ve found. Champions live differently than ordinary people.
You can’t excuse yourself from life because things get tough.
There is a healer. There is a healer in your house, and he is ready to manifest himself in a wonderful way!
I’ve heard people say, “Well I’ve prayed, and nothing happened!”
No, no, no! Something happened but you have to hold steady! It’s like planting seed. You can’t plant it one day and just go out and get another.
It’s the difference between healing and miracles! Miracles can be instantaneous. Healing takes a little time.
You’ve got to begin to not just be healed but made whole!
It’s so interesting to note that the Lord healed ten lepers and he said,
“Go show yourself to the priest.” One of them when he realized what was going on he went back to say thank you!
There’s a difference between being healed and being made whole!
When gratitude comes in your heart then wonderful things begin to take place!
My desire is to let you know how to be whole and let gratitude come into your heart!
Say, “Lord, thank you for coming in and making my heart a new heart where you can dwell!”
You are loved by God with an everlasting, never ending love. Embrace your relationship with Jesus. He will never leave you or forsake you. Feel his arms around you.