Read more about the article God’s Word is the Key
God's Word is Key

God’s Word is the Key

Do you think that you don’t hear God? Think again. Tune it. His sheep hear and know His voice. Beware that demons from hell are waiting for the sons of God to testify against Jesus by the words they speak. All power in heaven and on earth has been given to the believer. You must believe that the word of God works; don’t just hope it does. Dr. Clarice teaches how to activate your belief and why God’s Word is the key.

Read more about the article Make Time to Bathe and Soak in God’s Word
Make Time to Bathe and Soak in God's Word

Make Time to Bathe and Soak in God’s Word

Dr. Clarice shows you that applying the word of God to everyday life is easier than you think. Her gift of rhyming and rapping got a lady to jump off an ambulance stretcher and recover quickly. You can turn things around when you activate the power of God. Soaking in God’s word is a personal experience, like taking a bath. Set aside time. Approach God like you would your best friend. Invite Him in. What does a cow chewing its cud have to do with meditating on the word of God?

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Read more about the article What Have You Been Waiting For?
Delay is Not Denial

What Have You Been Waiting For?

What have you been waiting for? Delay is not denial. Whatever it is, don’t be disappointed. Dr. Clarice shares how you need to set your faith in agreement with the infallible word of God. The spirit of the Lord is moving. You are being healed and delivered. Be encouraged. Discover how to be transformed by the power of God. All who are homeless, brokenhearted, sick, unemployed, and feeling hopeless know that God will make a way. Satan is a defeated foe. God takes away the sins of the world and has defeated hell, death, and the grave. Read how your life is preserved and enriched by the power of God.

Read more about the article Don’t Let Your Vision Expire
Don't Let Your Vision Expire

Don’t Let Your Vision Expire

Dr. Clarice tells about how ordinary people have met an extraordinary God. These testimonies will encourage you. Whatever seems insignificant to you is important to God. See how these people, who went through a hard time, such as sickness, poverty, unemployment, needing a green card, and inheritance being held up, called upon the name of the Lord and He delivered them out of those situations. Whatever your situation is, whatever your circumstance, whatever you’ve been waiting for, trust God (not people). Delay is not denial. Discover how to not let your vision expire. Don’t give up on it. Has the Lord put something in your heart that you really want to do? These stories, letters, and testimonies will assure you there is a way.

Read more about the article <strong>What’s Important to You is Important to God</strong>
What's Important to You is Important to God

What’s Important to You is Important to God

Dr. Clarice tells about how ordinary people have met an extraordinary God. These testimonies will encourage you. Whatever seems insignificant to you is important to God. See how these people, who went through a hard time, such as sickness, poverty, unemployment, needing a green card, and inheritance being held up, called upon the name of the Lord and He delivered them out of those situations. Whatever your situation is, whatever your circumstance, whatever you’ve been waiting for, trust God (not people). Delay is not denial. Discover how to not let your vision expire. Don’t give up on it. Has the Lord put something in your heart that you really want to do? These stories, letters, and testimonies will assure you there is a way.

Read more about the article <strong>Unexpected Opportunities Appear When You Wait on the Lord</strong>
Opportunities appear when you wait on the Lord

Unexpected Opportunities Appear When You Wait on the Lord

This message is about waiting. I won’t make you wait any longer to tell you why the Bible says those that wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings as eagles; they shall run, and not be weary; they shall walk and not faint. Do you get weary while waiting? In this world of hustle, waiting and having patience can be a challenge. Let me tell you why waiting is necessary. There is an appointed time for things to happen. God never tarries. He is always right on time. We may think certain opportunities are perfect, but we may need to wait on the Lord. I had a desire and vision. I thought I was called to Broadway, but God was calling me to the narrow way. He positioned another man to wear a gorilla suit. Get ready to learn more about how and why it’s important to wait.

Read more about the article Wait for God’s Appointed Time
Wait for God's Appointed Time

Wait for God’s Appointed Time

Is there anything in the world that's more challenging than having to wait? This story is a testimony about a lady, who put her time in waiting. She was a woman of incredible faith. She had this great vision. Everything was going great until it wasn’t. There are things in this life that go wrong. We think, “Lord, all I've ever wanted to do is to know you, love you, and serve you. How come I’m going through this?” When you think what you’ve been waiting for has come, what God has for you is bigger. Read how this woman didn’t waste her waiting time and how God kept His promise.

Read more about the article Awaken Your Vision:  Awaken Your Destiny
Awaken Your Vision: Awaken Your Destiny

Awaken Your Vision: Awaken Your Destiny

Here is a story about the experience of skiing I had on my honeymoon. There are some mountains you are not meant to climb. What is wonderful for one is not wonderful for everyone. Be careful how you hear things. It can cause you to be sold or “souled” out. Let me tell you how to awaken your destiny and get where God wants you to be. Just like a car without gasoline, you won’t go anywhere. You must get fuel and pay the price for it. No price is too high. Jesus paid a price for me and you. Fuel yourself with the faith of God. That is the key to have healing, deliverance, prosperity, joy, peace, love, and life. God planted a dream and desire in your heart. He wants to do something fresh and new. See how to convert your dream into reality.


Find, Focus, and Activate

I have learned that, without a vision for our life, we will just gradually perish; and, without a progressive vision that is goal oriented, we become bored, careless, and without…