Read more about the article Receive This Portion of Prayer
Receive This Portion of Prayer

Receive This Portion of Prayer

This prayer is for you. Dr. Clarice speaks this prayer over you. Read it and receive it. Open your heart, be grateful, and praise your heavenly Papa. This prayer is transforming. Put your faith in the word of truth. Take all the fear, dread, and doubt and say, turn it loose, and choose to agree with the Word. This impartation is shaken an awakening. We have the ability to respond to the Word of God, to take the Word of God and act upon it. Exercise your faith, it’s like a muscle. The more you exercise it, the more you move out of your comfort zone the stronger you will get. Expect ridiculous miracles.

Read more about the article Crazy in Love
Crazy in Love

Crazy in Love

Be crazy in love with the word of God because it has the power to perform itself. Dr. Clarice talks about activating ridiculous faith. The kind of faith that heals the sick, raises the dead, casts out demons, and cleanses lepers. You will be amazed how a lady used a prayer cloth and the results she got. Another lady got rid of a virus when she activated her ridiculous faith. God is stretching your faith to get beyond the realm of the natural. He wants to put his super on your natural so that you can see the benefit. Do you want more of God? Do you want to activate the faith of God so you can see the benefit, not just the procedure?

Read more about the article Activate Ridiculous Faith
Activate Ridiculous Faith

Activate Ridiculous Faith

Dr. Clarice tells incredible, unreasonable testimonies of how people activated their faith. It requires having an approach without reproach. It can’t be ritualistic. Let your heart be stirred. Sing and shout unto God with a voice of triumph. Even if you have a terrible voice, make a joyful noise. She tells what her mother taught her when she wanted a puppy and a bicycle. You don't have to ever let a bird build a nest in your hair. Change your sadness and long face. No, put gladness and a smile on your face. This story tells how that pleases God.

Read more about the article What Have You Been Waiting For?
Delay is Not Denial

What Have You Been Waiting For?

What have you been waiting for? Delay is not denial. Whatever it is, don’t be disappointed. Dr. Clarice shares how you need to set your faith in agreement with the infallible word of God. The spirit of the Lord is moving. You are being healed and delivered. Be encouraged. Discover how to be transformed by the power of God. All who are homeless, brokenhearted, sick, unemployed, and feeling hopeless know that God will make a way. Satan is a defeated foe. God takes away the sins of the world and has defeated hell, death, and the grave. Read how your life is preserved and enriched by the power of God.

Read more about the article Powerful Stories and Prayer
Powerful Stories and Prayer

Powerful Stories and Prayer

Here are stories and testimonials of the power of God. See the miracles in the lives of the people I met and prayed for. Believe for your miracle. Read the prayer that I speak over you. You’ll be amazed when you read about the man in ICU who walked out dancing, singing, and praising the Lord after a stroke. A baby died and was raised from the dead. There is a jubilee going on. Declare and decree your victory. Pray with authority. Agree with God. You are not ordinary, you’re extraordinary. Open your mind, heart, and soul to God. Experience the promises and power He has for you and your family.


Claim What Is Yours

Have you ever known what to do but you didn’t do it or passed it on to someone else? That’s what happened in the story of Naomi and Ruth. Naomi passed on the benefits God had for her. Ruth was sent into the fields and reaped the benefits and favor of Boaz. This story will show you that these days right now are very significant, very important days; days of amazing change, amazing power and amazing invitation that you are not going to miss. You're not going to be able to turn your birthright over. The price is too high.Claim what is yours.

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How to Plug into Your Power Source

When we rely on our own efforts, there is no power or clear direction. You’ve heard of the word “coach,” right? Do you know what a coach does? A coach is different than a mentor or counselor. I want to be your coach. I want to coach you in the realm of the supernatural things of God. Read this story about the Book of Ruth. It’s about a family who fell on hard times. It’s an incredible book about love that brings transformation. Discover how to find your power source that can transform you and bring you through to a better place.

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Read more about the article Oh Goodness:  A Baby Brought Back to Life
Oh Goodness: A Baby Brought Back to Life

Oh Goodness: A Baby Brought Back to Life

A mother brought her baby to America from Kenya. He was six weeks old with a heart defect. The mother had full faith that something wonderful would happen with her baby. She brought him to a church in New Jersey where she knew I would be that day. Witness the unwavering faith of this mother and the miracle that happened. Do you believe in the raising of the dead? Jesus was resurrected. He gave us the power and authority to do that too and more. The Messiah, the Son of the Living God is alive and wanting to do incredible things in your life.

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Resurrection Life: Get Busy Living Not Merely Existing

Resurrection, Revelation, and Application. See how you can live a resurrection life. You are alive but are you living life to the fullest? Spring to life now. Live full and die empty. It’s not too late for a new beginning. God wants to do incredible things in your life. God’s Living Word does not only inform you but transforms you. Jesus’ death and resurrection gave us the gift of eternal life with Him but also of an abundant life here and now. God wants you to receive your healing. God wants you to prosper. Revelation and application of God’s Word will produce wonderful and marvelous things in you and for you.