Activate Your Dream: Don’t Retire

I told the Lord I was going to retire. He had other plans for me to travel, buy real estate, speak, and write books. Sometimes God calls us to do what we don’t want to do and think we cannot do. Let me tell you my story of how he took me to places I never imagined. Have you activated the dreams in your heart, or have they fallen asleep? The Kingdom of God is a kingdom of words. Be mindful of the words you speak. You have life and death in your mouth. When accusations, fear, dread, and doubt come in be careful what you say. What's keeping you from being all that God says you already are? Don’t retire your dream; activate it.

Read more about the article Beyond Breakthrough:  Say What You Want
Say What You Want

Beyond Breakthrough: Say What You Want

I was flying high when I met the handsome Romeo on an airplane. I had something he needed. Are you intrigued? Buckle up. When you read this story you will discover why you need to pack your Master charge. Maybe you can pack your Discover card too. Be prepared to invest in new people and opportunities. Become a money magnet. It takes discernment. You don’t have to be poor anymore. Say what you want. You will not only get your breakthrough; you’ll go beyond it. Get ready for another adventure. Know that you can fly high too.


Faith is a Marvelous Gift with Benefits

We think we have to have understanding before we make a decision. No, we don’t, God is doing wonderful things. It’s marvelous when we begin to be faithful. I’ve had so many experiences in my life of how God releases power. There is a time when action has to take place to get things moving the way they need to move. There was a story about a man who gave his jacket in the offering where I was speaking. Take off your jacket and invest your time to read about the benefits of faith, gifts, and giving. Hold it close to your vest and be blessed.

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