Read more about the article <strong>Get Up, Speak Up, and Receive Your Divine Healing</strong>
Speak Up, Get Up, Receive Your Divine Health

Get Up, Speak Up, and Receive Your Divine Healing

What are you choosing to believe? You are a candidate for healing and divine health. God can take an ordinary person and do extraordinary things. One day, 20 years after being in a wheelchair, the power of God hit this woman, and she came out of that wheelchair. She came out singing and shouting and jumping. She's been doing that ever since. The enemy does not want you to have divine health. Speak health to your body. You will see some wonderful things happen. Read about a lady who was bed bound for many years.

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Read more about the article God is a Problem Solver: He is Right On Time
God is a Problem Solver: He is Right on Time

God is a Problem Solver: He is Right On Time

This story will build your faith. Dr. Clarice teaches how to be led by the Spirit of God. She prayed for a woman struggling with oppression and addiction. No matter how long it takes for prayers to be answered, God is always right on time. Praise and thank God in advance. This story tells about those who have experienced heartbreak and lost hope. Read how God is a problem solver.


Transition: It’s Harvest Time

One thing that doesn’t change in real estate is location, location, location. Your location is important. The Book of Ruth talks about different lands and names and what they mean. Would you want to live in a place called Weak as Water? Naomi changed her name to Mara when she became bitter and full of sorrow. Don’t stay in a place of woe is me. Transition into a place of praise, the land of plenty. Trust God. You have His favor like Ruth found favor with Boaz. It will all work out. You will reap an abundant harvest


Behold, I Do A New Thing: Time is Our Servant

There was a woman named Jenny Lou who called me out of the blue. No matter how many times she couldn’t get through, she continued to pursue. When she had me on the line, she told me how bad it was in her home. I came up with some peculiar things for her to do. She kept asking if it was scriptural. I told her yes, it’s under, “Behold, I Do A New Thing.” Her faith was that of the woman who touched the garment of God. Don’t limit yourself. Make time to pursue all that God has for you.