Read more about the article You Don’t Have a Past, You Have a Purpose
You Don't Have a Past, You Have a Purpose

You Don’t Have a Past, You Have a Purpose

God describes the church as his bride. We are the church. God has an ultimate purpose for you. Purpose and destiny are two different things. We were created to make God happy. Discover what salvation really means. Learn how to speak life and agree with the Word of God. I talk about why you need to stop confessing negative words and opinions. Words have power. Living in the past will delay your purpose. Your past has been forgotten by God. You need to let it die. You are a new creature in Christ. He lives in you. Walk in His power.

Read more about the article Fresh Faith, Fresh Miracles
Fresh Faith, Fresh Miracles

Fresh Faith, Fresh Miracles

I am ready to speak into your life and get you fully and completely equipped with everything that you need to be able to walk in health, wholeness, and healing by faith. Your faith will be moved to new places. Read how I unwrap falsehoods and ideas and religious traditions that have been bound in the mind of man. Rise above hatred, jealousy, and discouragement. You have the power to eradicate negative things by how you speak. This story is an invitation for you to partake and begin to turn your power loose. The Messiah has come to make you free. Thank you for joining me for this important message.


Rivers of Life Released Over You

I have come as a gift from God; to be one that would release love and power to you. As I release these words, don't take them as just information. On your behalf, I intercede. Read this prayer, receive these words that I speak; which are sponsored by the King. He wants to do a new thing. There is healing available. There is deliverance there. God says all you've got to do is believe and begin to declare. Arise and invite him in. This prayer is a river of life released over you. Receive it and may it bless you.


Talk to the Storms: You’ve Got the Power

He makes broken lives beautiful. Whatever is broken and painful in your life, in sickness, in relationships, God can heal and make whole. Learn how to activate the power of God that is inside you. There is more to you than what you see. Speak to the storms in your life. Have the desire to learn more and let God do something spectacular through you. Be His vessel.

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It’s Time to Rock the Boat

God is calling you to know that storms are going to come and go in the midst of your life. You may think it’s too much to handle. Christ is not who you think He is; He's who He says He is. Jesus is giving you an invitation to leave what you know for what you don't know. Here is how to step out of your boat and trust God. He's in a form we're not familiar with. He is standing in the midst of the storm and all He is saying to us is "Come." He will carry you through.