Read more about the article What Have You Been Waiting For?
Delay is Not Denial

What Have You Been Waiting For?

What have you been waiting for? Delay is not denial. Whatever it is, don’t be disappointed. Dr. Clarice shares how you need to set your faith in agreement with the infallible word of God. The spirit of the Lord is moving. You are being healed and delivered. Be encouraged. Discover how to be transformed by the power of God. All who are homeless, brokenhearted, sick, unemployed, and feeling hopeless know that God will make a way. Satan is a defeated foe. God takes away the sins of the world and has defeated hell, death, and the grave. Read how your life is preserved and enriched by the power of God.

Read more about the article Don’t Let Your Vision Expire
Don't Let Your Vision Expire

Don’t Let Your Vision Expire

Dr. Clarice tells about how ordinary people have met an extraordinary God. These testimonies will encourage you. Whatever seems insignificant to you is important to God. See how these people, who went through a hard time, such as sickness, poverty, unemployment, needing a green card, and inheritance being held up, called upon the name of the Lord and He delivered them out of those situations. Whatever your situation is, whatever your circumstance, whatever you’ve been waiting for, trust God (not people). Delay is not denial. Discover how to not let your vision expire. Don’t give up on it. Has the Lord put something in your heart that you really want to do? These stories, letters, and testimonies will assure you there is a way.

Read more about the article <strong>What’s Important to You is Important to God</strong>
What's Important to You is Important to God

What’s Important to You is Important to God

Dr. Clarice tells about how ordinary people have met an extraordinary God. These testimonies will encourage you. Whatever seems insignificant to you is important to God. See how these people, who went through a hard time, such as sickness, poverty, unemployment, needing a green card, and inheritance being held up, called upon the name of the Lord and He delivered them out of those situations. Whatever your situation is, whatever your circumstance, whatever you’ve been waiting for, trust God (not people). Delay is not denial. Discover how to not let your vision expire. Don’t give up on it. Has the Lord put something in your heart that you really want to do? These stories, letters, and testimonies will assure you there is a way.

Read more about the article <strong>Wait With Joy in Your Heart</strong>
Wait with joy in your heart

Wait With Joy in Your Heart

There are those of you that have lost your inheritance, you've lost your home, you've lost your job, you've lost all kinds of things. Here is a story about a woman who lost herself and was bound by drugs, alcohol, and wrong relationships. God is extending His hand to her. He is extending His hand to you too. God says that your future is going to be big. There is greatness in you. We wait for things. Sometimes we think we have wasted time and it’s too late. God’s timing is perfect. Read and learn how to wait with joy in your heart.

Read more about the article <strong>Unexpected Opportunities Appear When You Wait on the Lord</strong>
Opportunities appear when you wait on the Lord

Unexpected Opportunities Appear When You Wait on the Lord

This message is about waiting. I won’t make you wait any longer to tell you why the Bible says those that wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings as eagles; they shall run, and not be weary; they shall walk and not faint. Do you get weary while waiting? In this world of hustle, waiting and having patience can be a challenge. Let me tell you why waiting is necessary. There is an appointed time for things to happen. God never tarries. He is always right on time. We may think certain opportunities are perfect, but we may need to wait on the Lord. I had a desire and vision. I thought I was called to Broadway, but God was calling me to the narrow way. He positioned another man to wear a gorilla suit. Get ready to learn more about how and why it’s important to wait.


It’s Time to Give the Devil a Stroke

We need power in this life! God is approachable. We are carriers of truth and we're here to work together. You are about to see an outpouring of the goodness of God. God is here and He has sent me to talk to you and encourage you. Read this amazing story about how a man who suffered a stroke experienced a miracle healing. Those of you that have had a stroke it's time for the devil to have a stroke! Learn how to command the Enemy of your soul to take his hands off of you and return to you seven-fold what he has taken from you.


Resurrection Life: Get Busy Living Not Merely Existing

Resurrection, Revelation, and Application. See how you can live a resurrection life. You are alive but are you living life to the fullest? Spring to life now. Live full and die empty. It’s not too late for a new beginning. God wants to do incredible things in your life. God’s Living Word does not only inform you but transforms you. Jesus’ death and resurrection gave us the gift of eternal life with Him but also of an abundant life here and now. God wants you to receive your healing. God wants you to prosper. Revelation and application of God’s Word will produce wonderful and marvelous things in you and for you.


Embracing Change

Today, I’d like to give you words of encouragement.  Regardless of the situation that you are confronted with, you can win.  I have heard it said that there are overcomers…