Don’t Let the Devil Trespass on God’s Property

You are a candidate for healing and divine health. Information without revelation produces irritation. Dr. Clarice unveils the truth. She shares personal stories of her own healing. With God, all things are possible. We are not to be moved by what is happening in the natural. See what happens when we get our eyes off the problem and get in agreement with God. Read real stories about supernatural miracles. A woman was healed after being in a wheelchair for 20 years after a car accident. You are God’s property. The devil is trespassing. This message will show you how to wait and be in faith, not in frustration.

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Read more about the article <strong>Unexpected Opportunities Appear When You Wait on the Lord</strong>
Opportunities appear when you wait on the Lord

Unexpected Opportunities Appear When You Wait on the Lord

This message is about waiting. I won’t make you wait any longer to tell you why the Bible says those that wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings as eagles; they shall run, and not be weary; they shall walk and not faint. Do you get weary while waiting? In this world of hustle, waiting and having patience can be a challenge. Let me tell you why waiting is necessary. There is an appointed time for things to happen. God never tarries. He is always right on time. We may think certain opportunities are perfect, but we may need to wait on the Lord. I had a desire and vision. I thought I was called to Broadway, but God was calling me to the narrow way. He positioned another man to wear a gorilla suit. Get ready to learn more about how and why it’s important to wait.

Read more about the article Wait for God’s Appointed Time
Wait for God's Appointed Time

Wait for God’s Appointed Time

Is there anything in the world that's more challenging than having to wait? This story is a testimony about a lady, who put her time in waiting. She was a woman of incredible faith. She had this great vision. Everything was going great until it wasn’t. There are things in this life that go wrong. We think, “Lord, all I've ever wanted to do is to know you, love you, and serve you. How come I’m going through this?” When you think what you’ve been waiting for has come, what God has for you is bigger. Read how this woman didn’t waste her waiting time and how God kept His promise.

Read more about the article God is a Problem Solver: He is Right On Time
God is a Problem Solver: He is Right on Time

God is a Problem Solver: He is Right On Time

This story will build your faith. Dr. Clarice teaches how to be led by the Spirit of God. She prayed for a woman struggling with oppression and addiction. No matter how long it takes for prayers to be answered, God is always right on time. Praise and thank God in advance. This story tells about those who have experienced heartbreak and lost hope. Read how God is a problem solver.

Read more about the article Powerful Stories and Prayer
Powerful Stories and Prayer

Powerful Stories and Prayer

Here are stories and testimonials of the power of God. See the miracles in the lives of the people I met and prayed for. Believe for your miracle. Read the prayer that I speak over you. You’ll be amazed when you read about the man in ICU who walked out dancing, singing, and praising the Lord after a stroke. A baby died and was raised from the dead. There is a jubilee going on. Declare and decree your victory. Pray with authority. Agree with God. You are not ordinary, you’re extraordinary. Open your mind, heart, and soul to God. Experience the promises and power He has for you and your family.

Read more about the article Faith is a Gift, Belief is a Choice
Faith is a Gift, Belief is a Choice

Faith is a Gift, Belief is a Choice

You have gifts and talents. Have you fully tapped into all your talents? Some of them may be hiding. Have the courage to explore new talents and new destinations. Set your GPS also known as Holy Spirit. Learn how to discern the voice of God. Let Him lead you and direct you. Many of us self-sabotage because we don't want to change. You're free to be who God made you to be. Fill yourself up with the Word of God. It will build your faith. Get your tongue to line up with what you want and desire. Read about the woman who discovered and activated a talent she didn’t know was inside her. She created a business that blesses many people. Ask God to reveal your hidden talents and gifts. Believe you can do something new.

Read more about the article Stop Abuse:  Call on Your Defender and Provider
Stop Abuse: Call on Your Defender and Provider

Stop Abuse: Call on Your Defender and Provider

You can't keep doing old things thinking that's going to work. If you want the benefit of walking in the fullness of God, there is a procedure. Only believe. If you are a believer there's some action required. If your house is on fire, you will move away from the fire. Do not stay where the house is burning down. Are you still hanging on to an abusive relationship? God does not want you to be abused. He is your defender. You do not have to put up with negative behavior because you are the head, not the tail. You are above, not beneath. No matter how things look, learn how to speak with power. Activate your authority.

Read more about the article You Don’t Have a Past, You Have a Purpose
You Don't Have a Past, You Have a Purpose

You Don’t Have a Past, You Have a Purpose

God describes the church as his bride. We are the church. God has an ultimate purpose for you. Purpose and destiny are two different things. We were created to make God happy. Discover what salvation really means. Learn how to speak life and agree with the Word of God. I talk about why you need to stop confessing negative words and opinions. Words have power. Living in the past will delay your purpose. Your past has been forgotten by God. You need to let it die. You are a new creature in Christ. He lives in you. Walk in His power.

Read more about the article Quit Hiding from God:  No Price is Too High
Quit Hiding from God: No Price is Too High

Quit Hiding from God: No Price is Too High

God is going to give you some big-impossible dreams. You’ll think, “There's no way I can do that.” At 72 years old, God took me in a new direction. I thought I had done everything and was ready to retire. As long as you are still alive and breathing, you never retire from what God has for you to do. Quit hiding from God and do what He tells you to do. Be brave and you will be amazed. I needed to change my thought-life and amazing things happened. Read this story about when I traveled to Mexico and how God brought me not only to a physical place but to a place inside myself that I’d never been. We need to be flexible and willing. It’s not about us, it’s about Him. Line up your vision with the Lord and He will convert it into reality. You’re not too old or too young. God has a plan to use you in the most magnificent, most wonderful way.


Activate Your Dream: Don’t Retire

I told the Lord I was going to retire. He had other plans for me to travel, buy real estate, speak, and write books. Sometimes God calls us to do what we don’t want to do and think we cannot do. Let me tell you my story of how he took me to places I never imagined. Have you activated the dreams in your heart, or have they fallen asleep? The Kingdom of God is a kingdom of words. Be mindful of the words you speak. You have life and death in your mouth. When accusations, fear, dread, and doubt come in be careful what you say. What's keeping you from being all that God says you already are? Don’t retire your dream; activate it.