Read more about the article A Marriage Made with the Power of Words
A Marriage Made with the Power of Words

A Marriage Made with the Power of Words

Discover some wonderful things about marriage that you never knew from Dr. Clarice who has been married to the same man for over 62 years. She tells how she met her movie-star good-looking husband at a dance and what he said to her. You will be intrigued reading this story about unreasonable faith. The power of words played a big role as this story unfolds, starting when Dr. Clarice was 13 years old. Wait until you read what she did with her mother’s bathtub stopper chain. Get ready for some laughs, adventure, and great advice about love and marriage. It’s an eye-opener.

Read more about the article Be A World Changer
Be A World Changer

Be A World Changer

Dr. Clarice tells us about the five professors we all have. These professors are in opposition with the Spirit of God. She gives DNA a new meaning. There is a difference between facts and truth. Make sure your fact-checker is accurate. She shows how you have power. You have the authority. We have power over the words we speak. Release things that are alive with the fruit of your lips. You can change the world. That's what you are, you're a world changer.

Read more about the article Receive This Portion of Prayer
Receive This Portion of Prayer

Receive This Portion of Prayer

This prayer is for you. Dr. Clarice speaks this prayer over you. Read it and receive it. Open your heart, be grateful, and praise your heavenly Papa. This prayer is transforming. Put your faith in the word of truth. Take all the fear, dread, and doubt and say, turn it loose, and choose to agree with the Word. This impartation is shaken an awakening. We have the ability to respond to the Word of God, to take the Word of God and act upon it. Exercise your faith, it’s like a muscle. The more you exercise it, the more you move out of your comfort zone the stronger you will get. Expect ridiculous miracles.

Read more about the article Crazy in Love
Crazy in Love

Crazy in Love

Be crazy in love with the word of God because it has the power to perform itself. Dr. Clarice talks about activating ridiculous faith. The kind of faith that heals the sick, raises the dead, casts out demons, and cleanses lepers. You will be amazed how a lady used a prayer cloth and the results she got. Another lady got rid of a virus when she activated her ridiculous faith. God is stretching your faith to get beyond the realm of the natural. He wants to put his super on your natural so that you can see the benefit. Do you want more of God? Do you want to activate the faith of God so you can see the benefit, not just the procedure?

Read more about the article Activate Ridiculous Faith
Activate Ridiculous Faith

Activate Ridiculous Faith

Dr. Clarice tells incredible, unreasonable testimonies of how people activated their faith. It requires having an approach without reproach. It can’t be ritualistic. Let your heart be stirred. Sing and shout unto God with a voice of triumph. Even if you have a terrible voice, make a joyful noise. She tells what her mother taught her when she wanted a puppy and a bicycle. You don't have to ever let a bird build a nest in your hair. Change your sadness and long face. No, put gladness and a smile on your face. This story tells how that pleases God.

Read more about the article What Have You Been Waiting For?
Delay is Not Denial

What Have You Been Waiting For?

What have you been waiting for? Delay is not denial. Whatever it is, don’t be disappointed. Dr. Clarice shares how you need to set your faith in agreement with the infallible word of God. The spirit of the Lord is moving. You are being healed and delivered. Be encouraged. Discover how to be transformed by the power of God. All who are homeless, brokenhearted, sick, unemployed, and feeling hopeless know that God will make a way. Satan is a defeated foe. God takes away the sins of the world and has defeated hell, death, and the grave. Read how your life is preserved and enriched by the power of God.

Read more about the article Don’t Let Your Vision Expire
Don't Let Your Vision Expire

Don’t Let Your Vision Expire

Dr. Clarice tells about how ordinary people have met an extraordinary God. These testimonies will encourage you. Whatever seems insignificant to you is important to God. See how these people, who went through a hard time, such as sickness, poverty, unemployment, needing a green card, and inheritance being held up, called upon the name of the Lord and He delivered them out of those situations. Whatever your situation is, whatever your circumstance, whatever you’ve been waiting for, trust God (not people). Delay is not denial. Discover how to not let your vision expire. Don’t give up on it. Has the Lord put something in your heart that you really want to do? These stories, letters, and testimonies will assure you there is a way.

Read more about the article <strong>What’s Important to You is Important to God</strong>
What's Important to You is Important to God

What’s Important to You is Important to God

Dr. Clarice tells about how ordinary people have met an extraordinary God. These testimonies will encourage you. Whatever seems insignificant to you is important to God. See how these people, who went through a hard time, such as sickness, poverty, unemployment, needing a green card, and inheritance being held up, called upon the name of the Lord and He delivered them out of those situations. Whatever your situation is, whatever your circumstance, whatever you’ve been waiting for, trust God (not people). Delay is not denial. Discover how to not let your vision expire. Don’t give up on it. Has the Lord put something in your heart that you really want to do? These stories, letters, and testimonies will assure you there is a way.

Read more about the article <strong>Get Up, Speak Up, and Receive Your Divine Healing</strong>
Speak Up, Get Up, Receive Your Divine Health

Get Up, Speak Up, and Receive Your Divine Healing

What are you choosing to believe? You are a candidate for healing and divine health. God can take an ordinary person and do extraordinary things. One day, 20 years after being in a wheelchair, the power of God hit this woman, and she came out of that wheelchair. She came out singing and shouting and jumping. She's been doing that ever since. The enemy does not want you to have divine health. Speak health to your body. You will see some wonderful things happen. Read about a lady who was bed bound for many years.

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Read more about the article <strong>Press In:  Call Upon the Name of the Lord</strong>
Press In: Call Upon the Name of the Lord

Press In:  Call Upon the Name of the Lord

When you’ve been turned away, ignored, and think you’re not eligible, don’t give up. You are a candidate for healing and divine health. Great is your faith. Press in just like the Canaanite woman who asked Jesus to heal her demon-possessed daughter. The secret is to press in. Read letters Dr. Clarice received and the miracles that happened. God can take an ordinary person and do extraordinary things.