Read more about the article Receive This Portion of Prayer
Receive This Portion of Prayer

Receive This Portion of Prayer

This prayer is for you. Dr. Clarice speaks this prayer over you. Read it and receive it. Open your heart, be grateful, and praise your heavenly Papa. This prayer is transforming. Put your faith in the word of truth. Take all the fear, dread, and doubt and say, turn it loose, and choose to agree with the Word. This impartation is shaken an awakening. We have the ability to respond to the Word of God, to take the Word of God and act upon it. Exercise your faith, it’s like a muscle. The more you exercise it, the more you move out of your comfort zone the stronger you will get. Expect ridiculous miracles.

Read more about the article Crazy in Love
Crazy in Love

Crazy in Love

Be crazy in love with the word of God because it has the power to perform itself. Dr. Clarice talks about activating ridiculous faith. The kind of faith that heals the sick, raises the dead, casts out demons, and cleanses lepers. You will be amazed how a lady used a prayer cloth and the results she got. Another lady got rid of a virus when she activated her ridiculous faith. God is stretching your faith to get beyond the realm of the natural. He wants to put his super on your natural so that you can see the benefit. Do you want more of God? Do you want to activate the faith of God so you can see the benefit, not just the procedure?

Read more about the article Activate Ridiculous Faith
Activate Ridiculous Faith

Activate Ridiculous Faith

Dr. Clarice tells incredible, unreasonable testimonies of how people activated their faith. It requires having an approach without reproach. It can’t be ritualistic. Let your heart be stirred. Sing and shout unto God with a voice of triumph. Even if you have a terrible voice, make a joyful noise. She tells what her mother taught her when she wanted a puppy and a bicycle. You don't have to ever let a bird build a nest in your hair. Change your sadness and long face. No, put gladness and a smile on your face. This story tells how that pleases God.

Read more about the article Faith is a Gift, Belief is a Choice
Faith is a Gift, Belief is a Choice

Faith is a Gift, Belief is a Choice

You have gifts and talents. Have you fully tapped into all your talents? Some of them may be hiding. Have the courage to explore new talents and new destinations. Set your GPS also known as Holy Spirit. Learn how to discern the voice of God. Let Him lead you and direct you. Many of us self-sabotage because we don't want to change. You're free to be who God made you to be. Fill yourself up with the Word of God. It will build your faith. Get your tongue to line up with what you want and desire. Read about the woman who discovered and activated a talent she didn’t know was inside her. She created a business that blesses many people. Ask God to reveal your hidden talents and gifts. Believe you can do something new.

Read more about the article Quit Hiding from God:  No Price is Too High
Quit Hiding from God: No Price is Too High

Quit Hiding from God: No Price is Too High

God is going to give you some big-impossible dreams. You’ll think, “There's no way I can do that.” At 72 years old, God took me in a new direction. I thought I had done everything and was ready to retire. As long as you are still alive and breathing, you never retire from what God has for you to do. Quit hiding from God and do what He tells you to do. Be brave and you will be amazed. I needed to change my thought-life and amazing things happened. Read this story about when I traveled to Mexico and how God brought me not only to a physical place but to a place inside myself that I’d never been. We need to be flexible and willing. It’s not about us, it’s about Him. Line up your vision with the Lord and He will convert it into reality. You’re not too old or too young. God has a plan to use you in the most magnificent, most wonderful way.


Discover Your Hidden Talents and Treasures

God placed hidden treasures inside you. There is a woman who is well over fifty. She had a hidden talent in her that she didn’t know was there. Decree and declare that doors of opportunity open. When you are faithful in the little things, God will give you dominion over great things. That's the promise. You and I are standing in a place where we look and say, “Well, I can't do this, or I don't have the talent to do this, or I can't do public speaking, I can't open my mouth, I can't do this." Take the "I can't" and say, “With God all things are possible.”


God Has Put Specific Gifts in You

God has something on his mind just for you. You have gifts and talents. Be inspired as you read about two women I prayed over. See how their miraculous talents were activated. Imagine doing something you never thought you could do. With God, all things are possible. What pleases God is to have faith in his holy, infallible, inerrant, and awesome word. Focus onthe positive and you’ll get more of it. You will be amazed how your life can change.


New Beginnings

Opportunities are all around in the areas of finances, relationships, attitudes, health, well-being encouraging you to come to the place of recognizing your own potential.  I believe there are those…

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