Read more about the article Stop Abuse:  Call on Your Defender and Provider
Stop Abuse: Call on Your Defender and Provider

Stop Abuse: Call on Your Defender and Provider

You can't keep doing old things thinking that's going to work. If you want the benefit of walking in the fullness of God, there is a procedure. Only believe. If you are a believer there's some action required. If your house is on fire, you will move away from the fire. Do not stay where the house is burning down. Are you still hanging on to an abusive relationship? God does not want you to be abused. He is your defender. You do not have to put up with negative behavior because you are the head, not the tail. You are above, not beneath. No matter how things look, learn how to speak with power. Activate your authority.

Read more about the article You Don’t Have a Past, You Have a Purpose
You Don't Have a Past, You Have a Purpose

You Don’t Have a Past, You Have a Purpose

God describes the church as his bride. We are the church. God has an ultimate purpose for you. Purpose and destiny are two different things. We were created to make God happy. Discover what salvation really means. Learn how to speak life and agree with the Word of God. I talk about why you need to stop confessing negative words and opinions. Words have power. Living in the past will delay your purpose. Your past has been forgotten by God. You need to let it die. You are a new creature in Christ. He lives in you. Walk in His power.


Activate Your Dream: Don’t Retire

I told the Lord I was going to retire. He had other plans for me to travel, buy real estate, speak, and write books. Sometimes God calls us to do what we don’t want to do and think we cannot do. Let me tell you my story of how he took me to places I never imagined. Have you activated the dreams in your heart, or have they fallen asleep? The Kingdom of God is a kingdom of words. Be mindful of the words you speak. You have life and death in your mouth. When accusations, fear, dread, and doubt come in be careful what you say. What's keeping you from being all that God says you already are? Don’t retire your dream; activate it.

Read more about the article Awaken Your Vision:  Awaken Your Destiny
Awaken Your Vision: Awaken Your Destiny

Awaken Your Vision: Awaken Your Destiny

Here is a story about the experience of skiing I had on my honeymoon. There are some mountains you are not meant to climb. What is wonderful for one is not wonderful for everyone. Be careful how you hear things. It can cause you to be sold or “souled” out. Let me tell you how to awaken your destiny and get where God wants you to be. Just like a car without gasoline, you won’t go anywhere. You must get fuel and pay the price for it. No price is too high. Jesus paid a price for me and you. Fuel yourself with the faith of God. That is the key to have healing, deliverance, prosperity, joy, peace, love, and life. God planted a dream and desire in your heart. He wants to do something fresh and new. See how to convert your dream into reality.