Read more about the article <strong>Wait With Joy in Your Heart</strong>
Wait with joy in your heart

Wait With Joy in Your Heart

There are those of you that have lost your inheritance, you've lost your home, you've lost your job, you've lost all kinds of things. Here is a story about a woman who lost herself and was bound by drugs, alcohol, and wrong relationships. God is extending His hand to her. He is extending His hand to you too. God says that your future is going to be big. There is greatness in you. We wait for things. Sometimes we think we have wasted time and it’s too late. God’s timing is perfect. Read and learn how to wait with joy in your heart.

Read more about the article <strong>Unexpected Opportunities Appear When You Wait on the Lord</strong>
Opportunities appear when you wait on the Lord

Unexpected Opportunities Appear When You Wait on the Lord

This message is about waiting. I won’t make you wait any longer to tell you why the Bible says those that wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings as eagles; they shall run, and not be weary; they shall walk and not faint. Do you get weary while waiting? In this world of hustle, waiting and having patience can be a challenge. Let me tell you why waiting is necessary. There is an appointed time for things to happen. God never tarries. He is always right on time. We may think certain opportunities are perfect, but we may need to wait on the Lord. I had a desire and vision. I thought I was called to Broadway, but God was calling me to the narrow way. He positioned another man to wear a gorilla suit. Get ready to learn more about how and why it’s important to wait.

Read more about the article Wait for God’s Appointed Time
Wait for God's Appointed Time

Wait for God’s Appointed Time

Is there anything in the world that's more challenging than having to wait? This story is a testimony about a lady, who put her time in waiting. She was a woman of incredible faith. She had this great vision. Everything was going great until it wasn’t. There are things in this life that go wrong. We think, “Lord, all I've ever wanted to do is to know you, love you, and serve you. How come I’m going through this?” When you think what you’ve been waiting for has come, what God has for you is bigger. Read how this woman didn’t waste her waiting time and how God kept His promise.


Claim What Is Yours

Have you ever known what to do but you didn’t do it or passed it on to someone else? That’s what happened in the story of Naomi and Ruth. Naomi passed on the benefits God had for her. Ruth was sent into the fields and reaped the benefits and favor of Boaz. This story will show you that these days right now are very significant, very important days; days of amazing change, amazing power and amazing invitation that you are not going to miss. You're not going to be able to turn your birthright over. The price is too high.Claim what is yours.

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How to Plug into Your Power Source

When we rely on our own efforts, there is no power or clear direction. You’ve heard of the word “coach,” right? Do you know what a coach does? A coach is different than a mentor or counselor. I want to be your coach. I want to coach you in the realm of the supernatural things of God. Read this story about the Book of Ruth. It’s about a family who fell on hard times. It’s an incredible book about love that brings transformation. Discover how to find your power source that can transform you and bring you through to a better place.

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