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Is a Healthy Marriage Possible Nowadays

Is a Healthy Marriage Possible Nowadays?

Dr. Clarice tells about how she was ready to leave her husband and leave him with all five children. Anger keeps us in a state of pride and hurt. Divorce comes about by little bitty things and rash responses. None of us are perfect. She shows how learning to forgive and learning to love are important decisions. There are times and seasons of reconciliation. Never give up on each other. There is hope. There is a way to let go of the pain and disappointment and restore peace, love, and harmony with God’s help.


Claim What Is Yours

Have you ever known what to do but you didn’t do it or passed it on to someone else? That’s what happened in the story of Naomi and Ruth. Naomi passed on the benefits God had for her. Ruth was sent into the fields and reaped the benefits and favor of Boaz. This story will show you that these days right now are very significant, very important days; days of amazing change, amazing power and amazing invitation that you are not going to miss. You're not going to be able to turn your birthright over. The price is too high.Claim what is yours.

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How to Plug into Your Power Source

When we rely on our own efforts, there is no power or clear direction. You’ve heard of the word “coach,” right? Do you know what a coach does? A coach is different than a mentor or counselor. I want to be your coach. I want to coach you in the realm of the supernatural things of God. Read this story about the Book of Ruth. It’s about a family who fell on hard times. It’s an incredible book about love that brings transformation. Discover how to find your power source that can transform you and bring you through to a better place.

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Committed to Action

I love two things:  I love individuals who are committed to an action plan.  The second thing I love is the individual who recognizes that the plan isn’t working and…