Read more about the article Powerful Stories and Prayer
Powerful Stories and Prayer

Powerful Stories and Prayer

Here are stories and testimonials of the power of God. See the miracles in the lives of the people I met and prayed for. Believe for your miracle. Read the prayer that I speak over you. You’ll be amazed when you read about the man in ICU who walked out dancing, singing, and praising the Lord after a stroke. A baby died and was raised from the dead. There is a jubilee going on. Declare and decree your victory. Pray with authority. Agree with God. You are not ordinary, you’re extraordinary. Open your mind, heart, and soul to God. Experience the promises and power He has for you and your family.

Read more about the article You Don’t Have a Past, You Have a Purpose
You Don't Have a Past, You Have a Purpose

You Don’t Have a Past, You Have a Purpose

God describes the church as his bride. We are the church. God has an ultimate purpose for you. Purpose and destiny are two different things. We were created to make God happy. Discover what salvation really means. Learn how to speak life and agree with the Word of God. I talk about why you need to stop confessing negative words and opinions. Words have power. Living in the past will delay your purpose. Your past has been forgotten by God. You need to let it die. You are a new creature in Christ. He lives in you. Walk in His power.


No More Delay: There’s More for You to Do

There is more for you to do. Read the story about Derek. He was dynamic and charismatic. He could sing, he could do anything. Linda’s story will amaze you. I’m talking to those of you that think that because you're fifty, or sixty, or seventy, or eighty, or ninety years old that life is over. Wake up those gifts and talents that have been sleeping. You are about to reach a whole new group of people.


Divine Intervention Enriches Your Soul: Dunamis Power Heals

You will discover that God accepts you where you are right now. He uses those who are willing. I share how a woman nearly died and God used the Holy Spirit in me to speak life into her. Ask God for wisdom. Wisdom is the ability to use our knowledge skillfully. Some people don’t know about salvation. Salvation has more benefits than the guarantee of going to heaven. Healing is part of the provision of salvation. Learn how divine intervention enriches and saves souls. Experience the Dunamis power of God that heals the sick, raises the dead, and drives out demons. Allow the spirit of God to bubble up and speak out of you like it did for me in this story and many other times. Ignite your power.

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