Claim What Is Yours

Have you ever known what to do but you didn’t do it or passed it on to someone else? That’s what happened in the story of Naomi and Ruth. Naomi passed on the benefits God had for her. Ruth was sent into the fields and reaped the benefits and favor of Boaz. This story will show you that these days right now are very significant, very important days; days of amazing change, amazing power and amazing invitation that you are not going to miss. You're not going to be able to turn your birthright over. The price is too high.Claim what is yours.

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How to Plug into Your Power Source

When we rely on our own efforts, there is no power or clear direction. You’ve heard of the word “coach,” right? Do you know what a coach does? A coach is different than a mentor or counselor. I want to be your coach. I want to coach you in the realm of the supernatural things of God. Read this story about the Book of Ruth. It’s about a family who fell on hard times. It’s an incredible book about love that brings transformation. Discover how to find your power source that can transform you and bring you through to a better place.

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Faith is a Marvelous Gift with Benefits

We think we have to have understanding before we make a decision. No, we don’t, God is doing wonderful things. It’s marvelous when we begin to be faithful. I’ve had so many experiences in my life of how God releases power. There is a time when action has to take place to get things moving the way they need to move. There was a story about a man who gave his jacket in the offering where I was speaking. Take off your jacket and invest your time to read about the benefits of faith, gifts, and giving. Hold it close to your vest and be blessed.

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The Winning Team: Triumph Guaranteed

God will speak to you about the things that are important to you. God will surprise you. He causes you to win and triumph. God is a God of infinite resources and big plans. Read how what looks impossible was possible when you put your faith and trust in God.