Read more about the article Receive This Portion of Prayer
Receive This Portion of Prayer

Receive This Portion of Prayer

This prayer is for you. Dr. Clarice speaks this prayer over you. Read it and receive it. Open your heart, be grateful, and praise your heavenly Papa. This prayer is transforming. Put your faith in the word of truth. Take all the fear, dread, and doubt and say, turn it loose, and choose to agree with the Word. This impartation is shaken an awakening. We have the ability to respond to the Word of God, to take the Word of God and act upon it. Exercise your faith, it’s like a muscle. The more you exercise it, the more you move out of your comfort zone the stronger you will get. Expect ridiculous miracles.

Read more about the article Crazy in Love
Crazy in Love

Crazy in Love

Be crazy in love with the word of God because it has the power to perform itself. Dr. Clarice talks about activating ridiculous faith. The kind of faith that heals the sick, raises the dead, casts out demons, and cleanses lepers. You will be amazed how a lady used a prayer cloth and the results she got. Another lady got rid of a virus when she activated her ridiculous faith. God is stretching your faith to get beyond the realm of the natural. He wants to put his super on your natural so that you can see the benefit. Do you want more of God? Do you want to activate the faith of God so you can see the benefit, not just the procedure?

Read more about the article Activate Ridiculous Faith
Activate Ridiculous Faith

Activate Ridiculous Faith

Dr. Clarice tells incredible, unreasonable testimonies of how people activated their faith. It requires having an approach without reproach. It can’t be ritualistic. Let your heart be stirred. Sing and shout unto God with a voice of triumph. Even if you have a terrible voice, make a joyful noise. She tells what her mother taught her when she wanted a puppy and a bicycle. You don't have to ever let a bird build a nest in your hair. Change your sadness and long face. No, put gladness and a smile on your face. This story tells how that pleases God.

Read more about the article Stop Abuse:  Call on Your Defender and Provider
Stop Abuse: Call on Your Defender and Provider

Stop Abuse: Call on Your Defender and Provider

You can't keep doing old things thinking that's going to work. If you want the benefit of walking in the fullness of God, there is a procedure. Only believe. If you are a believer there's some action required. If your house is on fire, you will move away from the fire. Do not stay where the house is burning down. Are you still hanging on to an abusive relationship? God does not want you to be abused. He is your defender. You do not have to put up with negative behavior because you are the head, not the tail. You are above, not beneath. No matter how things look, learn how to speak with power. Activate your authority.


Faith is a Marvelous Gift with Benefits

We think we have to have understanding before we make a decision. No, we don’t, God is doing wonderful things. It’s marvelous when we begin to be faithful. I’ve had so many experiences in my life of how God releases power. There is a time when action has to take place to get things moving the way they need to move. There was a story about a man who gave his jacket in the offering where I was speaking. Take off your jacket and invest your time to read about the benefits of faith, gifts, and giving. Hold it close to your vest and be blessed.

1 Comment

Committed to Action

I love two things:  I love individuals who are committed to an action plan.  The second thing I love is the individual who recognizes that the plan isn’t working and…