When you’ve been turned away, ignored, and think you’re not eligible, don’t give up.
Great is your faith. Press in just like the Canaanite woman who asked Jesus to heal her demon-possessed daughter. The secret is to press in.
God can take an ordinary person and do extraordinary things.
A Christian lady wrote to us. She was in desperate need of her daughter to be healed. She said, “My daughter has this unspeakable burning pain in her abdomen. It goes all the way to her back. I’ve had her to see doctors, but they don’t know. This same pain comes year after year. She’s been hospitalized, but they can’t seem to find out what’s wrong. Whatever it is, I trust the Lord Jesus Christ to totally deliver her from this. She is worshiping Him. Would you join me? Thank you for praying with me.”
She wrote us a second letter. She said, “Greetings from my house to yours. We have seen the hand of Yeshua moving in the healing power over my precious daughter. Three days after we sent you the prayer request, everything was well with her. I thank the Lord Jesus for this incredible victory that he gained on the cross for all sickness and all disease.”
This woman was worshiping. This woman was paying attention. Her letter went on to say, “This was a battle that only Jesus could win over the enemy. I have anointed my daughter with oil, just as the scripture says. I have taken the prayer cloth you’ve sent; I’ve taken communion, standing on the finished work of Yeshua. I’m praising His holy name. I worship Him above all things. We love Him so much.”
Her daughter told her, “Mama, something’s happened. I want to live for the Lord. I want to see that my life is dedicated to Him. I want to go to heaven, Mama.”
The mother said that her daughter turned 23 that year. She said, “I thank God. I worship Him. I praise Him for what He has done in her life. A year ago, this was definitely not the case. He answers us in His perfect timing. He brought her back to Himself. The prayers you sent were an answer to my request for her. She put them in a box and keeps them close to her heart.”
Power is released in worship.
Worship the Lord. Thank God and adore Him.
Another lady sent us a letter asking for prayer for ulcerative colitis.
Here is what she said…
This is what happened. One week after I received your response to my prayer requests, I cannot tell you how terrible this condition was. I had gone to the hospital and was taking medication. I was in excruciating pain. And then all of my pain disappeared the same day that I got your prayer requests back. I know it was not the medication that healed me. I know it was prayer.
I thank God that the Lord spoke to me the word harvest. He led me to watch The Passion of the Christ. When I watched that it sank into my soul, my intellect, my reason, my emotion, everything that Jesus had carried and paid for my sickness. I don’t have to carry it. It’s true.
After I watched it, I was so moved. I laid my hands on my stomach. I prayed for every kind of sickness that had been in my body. All that infirmity, I commanded it out in Jesus name, and that devil had no legal authority to stay in my body. Jesus had paid the price for me.
I felt an incredible sensation go through my lower stomach. I was not sure what that was. I had never had anything like that happen, but I continued praying, and I continued worshiping until I fell asleep. I woke up, and there was sharp electricity like heat. I’d never felt anything like it before. It was going up and down my entire stomach. When I tried to put my hands on my stomach, I had to remove them because my hands were burning. My stomach had become so hot.
God has healed me completely. Every single symptom is gone. All I can do is worship Him. All I can do is thank Him. I can eat food again. I am pain free. I don’t have to be bound by sickness and pain anymore.
I’m looking forward to going for my checkup at the doctor so he can see medically that it has happened, and that Jesus has healed me.
I thank Jesus, my healer for what He has done for me. All glory to Him. Oh, how I worship Him. I also want to thank you and your wonderful staff for praying for me. Thank you for giving me hope and strength. Thank you for directing me with the Word. Thank you that you were faithful and hopeful for me at a very difficult time. May God bless you and protect you and your family in Jesus name.
This woman expressed wonderfully her gratitude to us for praying for her, but she gave all the honor and all the glory to the Lord, Jesus Christ.
You are a candidate for divine health and healing too. Be led by faith, not feelings. Release the boldness inside you. You are not denied; you are qualified. We stand in agreement with you. Bless you, Beloved.