Your stage awaits. Create a new thing on your canvas. What does that look like for you?
Let me paraphrase this Bible story.
When God spoke to Ezekiel, he asked him, “What do you see?”
Ezekiel looked out and he said, “I see dead, dry separated bones.”
God asked this young prophet, “Do you think they can live again?”
The essence of what God said to him was that he needed a body to work in. He had restricted himself to working through the sons of God on planet earth. God told Ezekiel, “You prophesy, and I’ll breathe. You prophesy and the breath of God, the Ruach, will just come out.”
Ezekiel did prophesy and bones came together. The dead, dry, disconnected, hopeless bunch, with the breath of God, through the prophetic voice of God, became an exceedingly great army.
We are in a better covenant now. I believe that the prophetic voice of God reaches out into the atmosphere, into the whosoevers. Choose to believe and agree.
This story will build your faith. Years ago, I was at this church in New York and there was a very handsome young man named Derek. He was dynamic and charismatic. He could sing, he could do anything.
That large church was grooming him to be in a position of authority in the church. I had come in for an ordination service, praying over people prophetically. When I came to him, I laid hands on him.
I knew it was going to be controversial. God can be controversial. I said, “Broadway is calling! You’ve been called to Broadway.”
He fell on his face. It had been his desire, but he felt like he would disappoint everybody because, “Oh, you can’t serve God if you go to Broadway.” That’s not true!
That young man got the lead in a Broadway play called The Lion. He’s an African American, he’s the first one that ever played the lead in Phantom of the Opera.
He has become incredible! It was that prophetic word that went into him that his desire, that was latent and dormant, was laying there.
I want to awaken your dormant desires in your heart. I want to speak to those talents and gifts and abilities.
A lady named Linda wrote to me and told me, “I never knew I could paint,” and now she has painted incredible things. God has shown her how to include scriptures from the Word of God and how to put a little cross in everything.
Linda’s paintings have a very dramatic effect on people because it’s not something she can do; she is allowing God to do it through her.
God answers prayer. He inspires us and breathes through us.
Are you ready to be awakened? Let those talents and gifts come alive. Are you an entrepreneur who wants to start a business? In this day and time, with believers throughout the face of the earth, you have that opportunity. Whatever your desire, you have the opportunity to do that.
God wants you to be a king, a priest, and a prophet. He says, “I want you to be in charge of this world.”
Don’t think, “I’m a Christian, I gave my life to God, so I can’t do anything.”
You’re to be in charge. Your name is dominion. There are dreams in you that are just lying there, you’re not doing anything with them yet. You have witty inventions inside of you.
Position yourself today to say, “God, you did it for Linda and Derek, you can do it for me too.”
Are you ready? I am going to pray over you right now.
Mighty God, Majestic God, this precious person is hungry to be released into another dimension of their gifts, talents, and abilities.
Lord God, we open doors that have been shut. Your Word says clap your hands! Shout unto God with a voice of victory!
Father, we thank you that we know that when we pray, we believe and know you hear us. You hear our heart.
I pray to the Lord on your behalf, Beloved, that even though you have felt stuck and couldn’t take the next step, I call you out of that place. You’ve got to come out, in the authority of the name of Jesus.
Come up and begin to look at yourself differently. What’s in your heart?
Speak life into the circumstances and situations.
This is what I’m seeing in the realm of the ever-present now, that the Word of God comes, and He says, “I hear you saying, ‘how’? How can I do this?” This is not the thing that you need to say. Look in the mirror and say, “No more delay.”
Delay is not denial in the things of the King. You’ve got to open your mouth and begin to sing. Say, “Lord God, whatever you say, I simply say yes. I’m no longer consulting with the servant called flesh.”
“I am consulting with the infallible, inerrant Word of God. I thank you, Lord, that you’re doing something so fresh, you’re doing something so new. You’re bringing me into a place now that I begin to do.”
You see, as I speak to you and these rhymes begin to take place, you’ve got to understand that I did not know that this could be. People say, “How does that happen?” I do not have an explanation.
I am telling you I was speaking one day, and it all began to take place. It just began to rhyme. I had a moment to decide whether I would yield myself to it or not, whether I would stand and allow it. It takes a lot of faith to begin to just say, “Alright, I’m going to yield to a rhyming spirit.”
I don’t know if it’s going to make sense. I don’t know what’s going to go on. Because of that, it builds your faith when you begin to hear something like this. When you hear me lapse into that, understand that’s the anointing of God speaking to you, encouraging you to be activated into another place.
Father, in Jesus’ holy, wonderful name, the Messiah, the Mighty One, all power, all authority, all ability resides in that wonderful name. I want to use it. I want to use the name of Jesus. That’s my Master’s charge. That puts me in a place where I can do business in the heavens.
There are those that because of sickness and circumstances in your body, you have just said, “I can’t do this.”
Many times, things happen to us because it’s time to embrace change and we say, “I’m not ready to change,” but change is inevitable.
We’re going from glory to glory. As you choose to understand that there are seasons that come into your life, there is time to do this.
If I told you that my dream and desire was to be a ballerina, you’d say you’re too old now.
Ask God what’s on his heart for you and what does He want you to do at this time.
At one time in my life, I was an opera singer. Now here I am, I’m rapping, or unwrapping. It was a gift that was within me that I had to yield to.
Examine your desires.
I was in a situation where change was inevitable, and I thought it was time to retire. I was seventy-two years old and had been in ministry for forty years. Most people, at this age, are looking for assisted living places.
I had a desire. I went to see a man named Zig Ziglar. He was a motivational speaker, and he was so dynamic. He was preaching the Word of God.
I came out of that and said to my husband, “I want to be a motivational speaker.”
I wanted to reach a whole new group of people. I’m reaching you today because I have desired to be in a position where my voice would go out and touch more people.
I know that when you listen to me, God is going to encourage you.
I met a man that owned the company of one of the largest motivational speaking companies in the world and he invited me to be on his stage. At seventy-two years old, everything changed. I had to learn how to do everything differently.
I’m talking to those of you that think that because you’re fifty, or sixty, or seventy, or eighty, or ninety years old that life is over.
Listen! Live full, die empty! I invite you to do that.
Father, in Jesus Christ’s holy, wonderful name, we release into the realm of the ever-present now. Lord, we send up the word of God that says with God all things are possible.
I release healing to you.
I release deliverance to you.
I release prosperity to you.
I release hope to you.
I release joy unspeakable that’s full of glory.
God bless you.