I want to talk to you today about the Supernatural power of the living God!
It is available to those who believe! We need power in this life!
We need the power of the Holy Spirit, the Lord, and giver of life! I love to brag on God! He is big and marvelous and magnificent. If you have not met Him, please allow me to introduce you to Him today!
Wonderful things happen when God mixes with man!
God is approachable! God is wonderful! God is here and He is in charge, and He is bringing forth a family of men and women redeemed from the curse of the law of sin and death!
God is bringing forth individuals that know Him and I see, I prophesy an exceeding great army of men and women! We talk about revival but what I’m seeing is the reformation of the church!
I’m seeing people, young people just coming forth and it is going to be magnificent because it’s not going to be old people over here and the young people over there. It’s not going to be about names, I’m a millennial and I’m this and I’m that.
We are carriers of truth and we’re here to work together!
There is an outpouring in all the nations of the world. You’re thinking, “Well things are so bad and so sad.” That’s what the press has to say but the Word of God says you can have what you say.
I’m telling you what I have to say! There will be no more delay! You are about to see an outpouring of the goodness of God! It’s already begun!
Things are changing, not just rearranging! We’ve had a lot of rearranging for a long time but not just in America but all over the world! As this word goes out there is for the Middle East, for the Far East!
The talents, the gifts, the abilities are all coming forth and you’re going to see such a change in the atmosphere!
“All of the earth is already filled with the knowledge of the glory of the Lord, even as the waters cover the sea.”
You need to get excited about this!
If you have not made a decision to know God, this is a great day.
I don’t know if there will ever be a day that’ll be more powerful than He is today!
God is here and he has sent me to talk to you, to encourage you, to exhort you, to edify you and to witness to you!
I stand amazed at the many ways to reach people. I speak words of truth and people that are hurting, people who are sick, people who are oppressed they write to me and tell me incredible stories!
In Revelations 12: 11, it says, “and they overcome with the blood of the Lamb and the word of their testimony.”
Here is a letter from an individual wrote to me for healing:
“I wrote to you and asked you to pray for my uncle who was in ICU with a terrible stroke. He could not speak. His carotid artery was 100% blocked on one side and surgery was 100% unsuccessful. I asked you to send me a prayer cloth and to pray for me and you agreed to do so.
I spoke in agreement with two witnesses while touching my uncle. In 24 hours after I had received prayer, there was a complete and total change. My uncle was singing praises to the Lord! A week later he was home. He could talk. He could walk. He could sing. And he was very grateful!
I told my uncle that it was going to be a miracle recovery so that others could see the power of a supernatural God! God bless you for praying for us!”
This is a man who had a 100% blockage and was in terrible trouble. Strokes are awful! God heard and God did!
When we see things like that rather than saying oh my goodness, he’s going to be marred and scarred forever and ever, the Word of God has the power to produce itself!
Right now, I release into the atmosphere the Antidote to the antichrist spirit!
I release the blood of the Lamb of God that taketh away the sins of the world!
Those of you that have had a stroke it’s time for the devil to have a stroke!
It’s time for him that the plot that he is planning for you, the hole he has dug for you, you know we can reverse the curse and tell him to get into it!
Father, in Jesus’ name we thank you right now that you are doing marvelous and wonderful things and all we have to do is believe! Be able to say what is in the heart and in the Word of God.
I agree with the Word of God and the Word of God says command the enemy to return to you seven-fold, seven times what he has taken from you!
Right now, I command that the Enemy of your soul, of your life, of your joy, of your peace, of all of the good things trying to take everything away from you takes his hands off of you.
Those that have had a stroke into the very atmosphere I release the answer! I release the Word of God that says call upon the Name of the Lord that you may be saved, healed, delivered, made prosperous!
It is time!
Those of you that your arms don’t work, and your legs don’t work, and you can’t remember, be healed in Jesus’ name!
Experience the Supernatural power of the living God! Have faith and keep believing. God’s got you.