When you have a vision don’t let the vision expire. Don’t give up on it. Don’t put it in your spiritual pantry and never work on it.
The scripture says, “You’re to war with the prophetic words that are laid upon you.”
I got a letter from a lady named Theresa, and this was very important to her.
I realized, “Lord, this may not be my problem, but corporately we are a mini-member body. If one suffers, we all suffer. And if one rejoices, we all rejoice.”
Theresa’s prayer request was about fighting for her family’s inheritance. It had gotten caught up and all kinds of legal things were going on. She said, “Oh, Dr. Fluitt, please pray for us to have our rightful inheritance and financial benefits for my now widowed stepmother’s rights for her husband, who was my father. These rights are not being released to her. For the Lord’s intervention, I need this in this situation. She’s an old lady. Please help us get this. I believe if you pray with us that God will hear your prayer and release the papers that have been refused to sign to this point.”
I understood that. It was important to me. We got with our intercessors, and we laid our hands on that. We said, “Lord, the thing that is righteous, we ask now.”
Did you know that angels are ministering spirits sent forth from God to help us who are the heirs of salvation? You’ve got these incredible beings that respond to the Word of God. They’re not necessarily responding to your word or my word, but they respond when we speak the Word of God. When we say, healing is written, deliverance is written, prosperity is written, joy is written, peace is written.
You need to find out where it’s written, and you just write it down. When you pray, you have something to back up what you’re praying about that’s really important for you.
When Theresa sent this letter to me, we prayed about it, and we prayed diligently.
Within four days we got this letter back. She says, “Dear Dr. Fluitt, I wanted to thank you for your prayers concerning my family’s inheritance. After four years of unspeakable pain and sorrow,” now this is what the family was going through at that particular time and then they decided to turn it over to God. “We were reinstated to all of our rights during a court hearing. My siblings, my dad’s wife, our stepmom now have to start the process of court documents, but everything has been turned over to us. Our inheritance is now in our hands.”
Think about it. Are there some things going on in your life? Do you need some property sold? Do you need some inheritance to be reassured? Are there things you’ve just given up on?
Prayer changes things.
I got a letter from this lady in India. She was so sweet. She had an incredible testimony.
She said, “I decided to get my Ph.D. I applied for it at the university. As per the regulations of this university, there is an inspection requirement for further affiliation with my present institution. It cost me $350. That may not sound like a lot of money to you, but it is a very large amount of money for me in India.
I prayed to God for His favor. I approached the management for the same, and guess what? Guess what the management did? They agreed to pay the full amount. Now, I am the only candidate at this time in history at this university that has ever received this amount of money sponsored by the management. All my colleagues were shocked.
Isn’t this amazing? Do you know why I did that? I heard you say, ‘God always sends favor. It’s like a shield to the righteous.’ I saw myself with a shield of righteousness around me. Hooray, the favor of God is upon me. When I began to really believe God’s favor was upon me and that I was not just some poor pitiful worm, one of my research papers was accepted by the European International Congress. I was honored when they asked me to participate in the virtual Congress that represents the entire nation of India as an India psychotherapist representative.
The place where I am working is called Father Muller College of Allied Health Sciences. They were so happy about my achievement they blew it totally out of proportion, and they congratulated me on every social platform. I had God’s favor. They put me on Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, and the official college web page. They made me famous. I began to believe what you were teaching about that God gives favor. It’s a shield of righteousness.”
Beloved, when we hear these kinds of testimonies and we read the word of God that goes with them, I hope it’s a source of encouragement to you that these are living people, ordinary people that have met an extraordinary God. They’re just waiting for you to believe, God’s waiting for you to believe, waiting for you to receive.
I want to pray for your needs.
Stand in the very place that you choose to be and pray, Lord God, I want to get answers to my prayer. To me, to my household, to my family, to many, as the Lord thy God would call.
Begin to say, I’m going to change my way of talking. I’m going to talk positively. I’m going to speak words of encouragement. I’m not going to find fault with myself or with other people.
I’ve heard people say, “I feel condemned all the time. There’s always some voice condemning me and telling me I’m ugly, I’m not talented, I’m not gifted, I did this wrong, I did that wrong.”
The Word of God says, “There is no condemnation to those that are in Christ Jesus.”
If something is condemning you, it’s not God.
I promise you; it is not Him. Jesus said, “I’ve come that you may have life and that you may have it more abundantly.”
We are in that place, in this time, in this space, making choices. If you desire the benefit of walking in the joy, in the peace, in the love, in the righteousness of God, then make the choice.
My prayer today is that you make a choice to set your faith in agreement. Whatever your situation is, whatever your circumstance is at this particular time, I want you to set your faith in agreement with me.
Believe that the power of the Holy Spirit will come upon you and that God will grant you the desires of your heart, lead you, guide you, heal you, deliver you, establish you, and do wonderful things for you.