I got this letter from a lady in Singapore who has remarkable faith. She has been studying with me for about a year. She’s read all my books and listens to my CDs.
She told me she got a virus and was feeling terrible. She was listening to one of the CDs teaching about activating your faith.
Suddenly, her computer died. She said, “It got a virus, and I got a virus.”
She got an anointed cloth. Scripture teaches that an anointed cloth or apron that touches the bodies of the apostles imparts a spiritual blessing; people get healed and demons are cast out.
God is stretching your faith to get beyond the realm of the natural. He wants to put his super on your natural so that you can see the benefit.
That lady got her prayer cloth and the CD. She put the anointed cloth on the computer and the CD on her belly. She said, “I got healed, and the computer got healed.”
You may think that is ridiculous and you don’t believe it.
We are talking about activating ridiculous faith. The kind of faith that heals the sick, raises the dead, casts out demons, and cleanses lepers.
I didn’t make that up, I’m just reporting it to you. That’s what the word of God teaches, and I have walked it.
A person who has had an experience gets ignited and excited about the goodness of God.
I get excited when I receive these incredible letters. Ordinary people have said, “I’m going to activate the word of God. I’m going to act like I believe it. I am going to move on it.”
True Story: A lady went out and bought a new computer because hers died. The old one started working, so she returned the new computer. The man at the store asked, “Why are you bringing it back?”
She said, “I put an anointed cloth on my old computer and prayed over it. It got healed and is working.”
He said, “Oh, that’s ridiculous.”
That’s ridiculous faith.
Instead of throwing out your refrigerator or your appliances, you need to talk to them and tell them they have been called into the ministry.
God wants to impart something that’s going to establish us. I want to impart supernatural faith to you. Receive the impartation.
Use Tehillah praise. It’s a frequency that absolutely destroys the direction and the enemy can’t stand it.
There have been times in my life when I’d been praising God, and I needed a particular breakthrough in my finances. I brought my checkbook out and put my feet on it. I said, “Don’t you lie to me about my finances because the word of God says I’m healed, I’m delivered, and I’m prosperous.”
Every spirit that’s coming against the word of God, I stand as a voice, making a choice. I praise God with a Tehillah praise.
Don’t knock it until you’ve tried it.
Jump around, clap your hands, and shout. Demons run because they know that you’ve lost fear of them.
Get some new tools to stand against the enemy.
Do you want more of God? Do you want to activate the faith of God so you can see the benefit, not just the procedure?
I’ve been ministering in this realm of praise and worship for over 50 years. I know what I’m talking about.
I impart that to you. God loves praise. He says, “Spin around under the influence of a violent emotion.” Clap your hands, shout unto God, praise Him. He’s mighty. He’s wonderful. Exalt his name.
I told one lady about a shofar. Scripture says, “It’s the sound of the shofar that God defeated the enemies.”
Sounds change the atmosphere – Tehillah praise and shofars.
Early in the morning, when I have my prayer time, I have communion with Jesus. I have little bells that ring. In the Old Testament, when the priest would go in and the sacrifice was made, there were pomegranates and bells on his garment. That is when he would be moving back and forth and a sacrifice had been accepted by God for another year.
When you and I realize that the sacrifice has been offered and Jesus has been accepted, we are redeemed, not once every year, but eternally. Glory to God.
I ring that bell and say, “Lord, I’m just reminding myself that it’s a finished work.” Then I go outside and blow my shofar.
That may sound crazy. Crazy in love, yes.
I’m crazy in love with the word of God because it has the power to perform itself. God is good and He’s good all the time.
Let’s activate your faith.
Mary Anne told me she went into the woods to blow her shofar. Bad things had been happening in the woods. She realized the shofar was a weapon. She started laughing each time she blew the shofar. It doesn’t have to sound good; it just has to be an act of faith.
Laughter is better than medicine. A merry heart is the joy of the Lord. The Lord’s joy will bring strength to you.
Do what’s possible. God will do what’s impossible.
After about a week, Mary Anne said she felt the atmosphere change in the woods. The environment was no longer eerie. Families started coming out there to picnic.
You have the power to change the negative environment you live in, your home, your nation, and your neighborhood with the words that you speak to activate the goodness of the Lord.
The devil hates praisers.
If you want to activate your faith and learn some beautiful new things about the goodness of the Lord, this is the day.
I pray that you lose your timidity, fear, and what somebody else thinks about you. Get up and make a joyful noise unto the Lord. Begin to say, Lord, I give you all my pains and aches, all my frustrations, limitations, agitations, those of the wicked nation, and they’re going to come down in the authority of the name of Jesus.
Shout, praise, and get crazy. Be crazy in love with the Lord.