I was on an airplane. This handsome black man was sitting across from me. I looked at him and thought, I do believe that he could be an apostolic money man.
I believe that if I put my DNA in him (my Divine Nature Attitude), it doesn’t matter where I am, I’m in charge. It’s because I carry the Master charge. Do you carry the Master charge?
He was an incredible man. He was handsome. Large and in charge. I looked at him and said, “Hey.”
He said, “Yes, ma’am?”
I said, “I believe I have something you need.” He was talking to this lady about a product called Organo Gold. He was telling her how wonderful it is.
She said, “Well, do you have some?”
He says, “Well, I don’t carry it, but it’s really great.”
I had some. I gave him the Organo Gold to give to the lady he was talking to. Then he turned around, and said, “There’s something about you.”
I said, “Oh yeah, I’m your mama. That’s what I am.”
He said, “When we get to Houston, I want you to get off the plane, and I want you to go with me, and we’re going to do this, and we’re going to do that.”
I said, “What’s your name?”
He said, “Ramacio.”
I said, “Well, listen, Romeo. I don’t usually get off airplanes with young men, but probably in your case. I’ll make an exception.”
The righteous are as bold as a lion and those that know God do exploits.
Ramacio ended up coming home. He got the baptism of the Holy Spirit. Today he’s a multimillionaire.
He had a little baby boy. While I’m going on, he said, “Mom, look, Mom look.”
I go to his conventions, and he’s got 50,000 to 60,000 people. He told the people, “You’ve got to meet my coach. You’ve got to meet the one that took me out and put the Word of God upon me.”
Say what you want. Name it. Produce intention.
Ramacio was getting on the plane going back to California. He says, “Mom, do you need anything?”
I said, “Oh no.”
Tandy, my assistant, said, “Yes, she needs $50,000 to launch this new book.”
And I said, “Oh, Tandy.”
She said, “He asked. You’re always saying you have not because you ask not. He asked.”
I came home and told George that Ramacio was going to write me a check for $50,000.
He said, “Oh Honey.”
I’ll tell you what, when that check came in the mail George said, “How’d you do that?”
I said, “Let me tell you.”
Let me tell you how it works. Let me make it so easy. There is a scripture in Proverbs 19:10, and you’ll find the more accurate rendering in the new English contemporary Bible. And it says, “It is a shameful thing for a servant to rule in the house of a king.” I began to realize that my body is a servant, my soul is like a queen, and my spirit is a king.
My queen has been under the influence of a servant all of my life until my King… until I got born again. And the scripture says, “Both he that sanctifies, and he that is sanctified has become one.”
My spirit and the spirit of God became one. A third of me lives in sinless perfection. The mystery of free will, soul, intellect, reason, and emotion is caught between what the servant says. It’s always led by five senses. What does it look like, smell like, taste like, feel like, sound like? These are the gates that the Bible says open all your gates so that the King of Glory can come in and go out.
You’ve got to open your gates. See no man except in Christ. You’ve got to open your nose to understand.
A flat-nosed priest. Now, we’re talking about Jews, not a flat nose. We’re talking about the sense of smell. And if you’re going to be a priest in the house of God, you have to have discernment.
Are you discerning what’s going on? Are you discerning what kind of business deal? If Bill Gates were talking to you 30 years ago and asked if anybody wanted to invest with him, you wish you would have.
I’ve never seen the righteous forsaken nor his seed begging for bread.
You don’t have to be poor anymore.
I proclaim that you are a money magnet.